1. What did you enjoy doing today?
Think about what you liked about the
day. What is something good that happened? Maybe you watched a show
or played a game. Maybe you ate some good food or visited a new
place. Maybe you got to spend some time with family or friends. Maybe
you got to do one of your hobbies in your free time. Thinking about
this can remind you of the good things that happened today.
2. What did you learn today?
We learn things everyday even if we
don't necessarily realize it. You don't have to be in school or
actively studying something in order to learn. Just by living and
experiencing life, we are learning new things all the time. It could
be a new fact you heard. It could be how something works. It could be
some information you learned by talking with someone, watching a
video, or by reading something online. By thinking about this
question, it makes us realize that we are learning new things
3. How did you contribute today?
Contribution is an important part of
life. You might contribute through your work by providing a service
or information. You might help someone out or care for someone that
is in need. You might do something as little as holding a door open
for someone, or writing a nice comment to someone online.
Contributing to the world helps give our lives meaning. It is a
reminder that we are making a difference and have the power to make a
positive impact on those around us and the world in general.
There are many more questions you can
ask yourself to help reflect but these 3 questions here are a good
start. You can ask yourself these questions at the end of the day to
help put the day in perspective in terms of what you enjoyed, what
you learned, and how you contributed.
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