I started thinking what it could be but
I had no idea who would be sending me a certified letter. Usually if
something is sent certified, it means it is very important and the
sender needs to be positive you have received it. The only other time
I ever got a certified letter was after I left a job and they were
sending me some final paperwork to confirm the decision.
I got the note on a Friday and the
earliest reschedule was on Monday so I had a couple of days to worry
about what it could be. Of course I thought the worst like it was a
legal issue or something, but nothing came to mind on what it could
be. Another thought was maybe it was some important documents from
the health insurance or from a retirement fund or something, but I
have never had to sign for any of those before.
About a week back, I contacted a couple
companies about mail I was receiving that was addressed to previous
residents who have not lived here for many years. I asked them to
update the mailing list so I would not receive the letters anymore,
so I was thinking maybe it had something to do with that and they
were trying to confirm I was the current resident.
I kept thinking of possibilities.
Sometimes I fill out those surveys on receipts that offer a chance to
win a gift card so I was thinking there might be a small possibility
maybe I won something like that and they sent it certified to make
sure I got it.
So finally Monday rolls around and the
mail man shows up. He has the letter and I sign for it. I look at the
return address, but it is something I didn't recognize and never
heard of. I take it in and open the letter. Turns out it is a notice
about a public hearing about a potential business that is looking to
open up in the area.
At first I was relieved that it was not
anything bad. Then I was kind of confused as to why they sent
something like this certified. It was basically a note from the
village and the business owners saying there would be a meeting at
the village and that is was open to residents in case we wanted to go
to the meeting.
Maybe there is some rule that they have
to notify a certain amount of local residents if they are looking to
open a new business. Other than that, I'm not sure why they needed it
to be signed for. The postage was almost $4.00 for a letter so it was
certainly not cheap to send it. I guess the lesson learned here is if
you get an unexpected certified letter, don't worry because it might
be something like this that is nothing to worry about.
I get these notices too sometimes about meetings but they're sent postcard style in the regular mail.